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John Lennon

John Lennon  Artist TOP All Items

Out of all the Beatles, John Lennon had the most interesting -- and frustrating -- solo career. Lennon was capable of inspired, brutally honest confessional songwriting and melodic songcraft; ..more


John Mayer

John Mayer  Artist TOP All Items

After making his introduction as a sensitive, acoustic-styled songwriter on 2001’s Room for Squares, John Mayer steadily widened his approach over the subsequent years, encompassing everything f ..more


John Mellencamp

John Mellencamp  Artist TOP All Items

Throughout his career, John Mellencamp has had to fight, whether it was for the right to record under his own name or for respect as an artist. Of course, he never made it easy on himself. Mellen ..more


Jon Anderson

Jon Anderson  Artist TOP All Items

Born John Roy Anderson on October 25, 1944, in Lancashire, England, Jon Anderson would grow up to become one of the most recognizable voices in progressive rock. He began his musical career by j ..more


Joni Mitchell

Joni Mitchell  Artist TOP All Items

When the dust settles, Joni Mitchell may stand as the most important and influential female recording artist of the late 20th century. Uncompromising and iconoclastic, Mitchell confounded expect ..more



Journey  Artist TOP All Items

During their initial 14 years of existence (1973-1987), Journey altered their musical approach and their personnel extensively while becoming a top touring and recording band. The only constant fac ..more


Judee Sill

Judee Sill  Artist TOP All Items

A singer/songwriter with deeply religious overtones and a penchant for the occult, Judee Sill is one of rock’s more interesting and lesser-known stories. The daughter of old Hollywood money, S ..more


Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake  Artist TOP All Items

Justin Timberlake may be the quintessential pop star of the new millennium, a star who jumped from platform to platform on his way to establishing himself as something bigger than a star: he was a ..more



Kansas  Artist TOP All Items

Fusing the complexity of British prog rock with an American heartland sound representative of their name, Kansas were among the most popular bands of the late ’70s, with many of their hits becoming ..more


Kate Bush

Kate Bush  Artist TOP All Items

One of the most successful and popular solo female performers to come out of England during the last several decades of the 20th century, Kate Bush was also one of the most unusual, with her keenin ..more


Keith Richards

Keith Richards  Artist TOP All Items

He’s acknowledged as perhaps the greatest rhythm guitarist in rock & roll, but Keith Richards is even more legendary for his near-miraculous ability to survive the most debauched excesses of the ro ..more


King Crimson

King Crimson  Artist TOP All Items

If there is one group that embodies progressive rock, it is King Crimson. Led by guitar/Mellotron virtuoso Robert Fripp, during its first five years of existence the band stretched both the lang ..more



Kinks  Artist TOP All Items

Although they weren’t as boldly innovative as the Beatles or as popular as the Rolling Stones or the Who, the Kinks were one of the most influential bands of the British Invasion. Like ..more



KISS  Artist TOP All Items

Rooted in the campy theatrics of Alice Cooper and the sleazy hard rock of glam rockers the New York Dolls, Kiss became a favorite of American teenagers in the ’70s. Most kids were infatuated ..more



Kraftwerk  Artist TOP All Items

During the mid-’70s, Germany’s Kraftwerk established the sonic blueprint followed by an extraordinary number of artists in the decades to come. From the British new romantic movement to hip-hop to ..more


Kylie Minogue

Kylie Minogue  Artist TOP All Items

On the one hand, in the pop music arena, worldbeaters such as Kylie Minogue are few and far between. Singers and performers of her stature and popularity rarely maintain their power for as long as ..more


Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga  Artist TOP All Items

Glamorously gaudy, a self-made postmodern diva stitched together from elements of Madonna, David Bowie, and Freddie Mercury, Lady Gaga was the first true millennial superstar. Mastering th ..more


Lake Street Dive

Lake Street Dive  Artist TOP All Items

Boston’s Lake Street Dive are a fascinating blend of influences and complexity: jazz at heart, with an alternative D.I.Y. sensibility and a passion for classic rock and garage aesthetics. The band, ..more


Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey  Artist TOP All Items

Lana Del Rey envisioned a Southern Californian dream world constructed out of sad girls and bad boys, manufactured melancholy and genuine glamour, and then she came to embody this fantasy. At first ..more


