Vinyl Import

Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not (vinyl/first album)

Arctic Monkeys

User Review :4.0

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Product Description

So here it is... the most anticipated debut album of 2006, it's the Arctic Monkeys. The one. The album that's going to make all those drunken nights and rows with the missus and daft conversations in sweaty clubs all make sense. The album that's going to make the indie kid dance like a twat next to the heavyweight skinhead and the shy girl whose sister went to your school.

As the legend goes, with a frenzied fanbase spreading like an Australian bush fire across the Net, Arctic Monkeys were able to shoot straight to Number One with their debut single 'I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor', and sell out gigs to massive crowds singing along to every song. Now with many of the original mp3 demo tracks re-recorded and a few new ones thrown in for good measure, 'Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not' is the album that has already spoken to the kids and will continue to do so throughout 2006.

Perfectly soundtracking the mixed bag of everything that it is about to live in the 21st century, 'Whatever People Say I Am...' is a melting pot of jerky and angular guitar riffs and frenetic beats, ala Franz Ferdinand, but it manages to remain fresh and innovative with gnarled poetics and a brand of insightful lyrical humour that rivals last year's bright hopes, the Kaiser Chiefs.

Tackling subjects as simple and universal as eyeing up fit girls ('Still Take You Home'), small-town related boredom and associated acts of idle thuggery ('Riot Van'), to scenester-baiting ('Fake Tales Of San Francisco'), 'Whatever People Say I Am...' is an album of many voices, the perfect album to stick on and sing out loud and mean every word because it's all happened to everyone of us, times many.

Track List   

  • 01. View From The Afternoon
  • 02. Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
  • 03. Fake Tales Of San Francisco
  • 04. Dancing Shoes
  • 05. You Probably Couldn't See For The Lights But You Were Looking Straight At Me
  • 06. Still Take You Home
  • 07. Riot Van
  • 08. Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured
  • 09. Mardy Bum
  • 10. Perhaps Vampires Is A Bit Strong But...
  • 11. When The Sun Goes Down
  • 12. From Ritz To The Rubble
  • 13. A Certain Romance

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投稿日:2012/05/04 (金)


太陽の塔 さん | 大阪府 | 不明


投稿日:2011/11/03 (木)

最初聴いたときはふーんとしか思わなくて全然印象に残らなかった。 けどvoもdrumもbassも渋い。特にdrumとbassがリンクしてるとこはかっこいいと思いました。11曲目の始まりのvoの優しさはジーンとくる。そしてみんな男前。

ROCK初心者 さん | 大阪府 | 不明


投稿日:2009/11/18 (水)

UKロックが嫌いな人にはやっぱり合わない作品。 本当に好きな人もいるんだろうけど、大量のミーハーが発生しているのではと思ってしまう作品。

たかす さん | 埼玉県 | 不明


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