ディスク 1
01. You Wont Be Satisfied (Until You Break My Heart) (The Decca Singles)
02. The Frim Fram Sauce (The Decca Singles)
03. Dream A Little Dream Of Me (The Decca Singles)
04. Can Anyone Explain? (No, No, No!) (The DeccaSingles)
05. Necessary Evil (The Decca Singles)
06. Oops! (The Decca Singles)
07. Who Walks in When I Walk Out (The Decca Singles)
08. Would You Like to Take a Walk (Sumpn Goodll Come From That) (The DeccaSingles)
09. Cant We Be Friends (Ella and Louis)
10. Isnt This A Lovely Day (Ella and Louis)
11. Moonlight In Vermont (Ella and Louis)
12. They Cant Take That Away From Me (Ella and Louis)
13. Under A Blanket Of Blue(Ella and Louis)
14. Tenderly (Ella and Louis)
15. A Foggy Day (Ella and Louis)
16. Stars Fell On Alabama (Ella and Louis)
17. Cheek to Cheek (Ella and Louis)
18. The Nearness of You (Ella and Louis)
19. April In Paris (Ella and Louis)
ディスク 2
01. Dont Be That Way (Ella and Louis Again)
02. Makin Whoopee (Ella and Louis Again)
03. They All Laughed (Ella and Louis Again)
04. Comes Love (Ella and Louis Again)
05. Autumn In New York (Ella and Louis Again)
06. Lets Do It (Lets Fall In Love) (Ella and Louis Again)
07. Stompin At The Savoy (Ella and Louis Again)
08. I Wont Dance (Ella and Louis Again)
09. Gee Baby, Aint I Good To You (Ella and Louis Again)
10. Lets Call The Whole Thing Off (Ella and Louis Again)
11. These Foolish Things (Remind Me Of You) (Ella and Louis Again)
12. Ive Got My Love To Keep Me Warm (Ella and Louis Again)
13. Willow Weep For Me (Ella and Louis Again)
14. Im Putting All My Eggs In One Basket (Ella and Louis Again)
15. A Fine Romance (Ella and Louis Again)
16. Ill Wind (Ella and Louis Again)
17. Love Is Here To Stay (Ella and Louis Again)
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