
ディスク 1
The Classic Side
01. Frankie Knuckles pres Director's Cut / The Whistle Song (Re-Directed)
02. Hardsoul feat Ron Carroll / Back Together (Director's Cut Classic Club Mix)
03. Frankie Knuckles pres Director's Cut feat Sybil / Let Yourself Go (A Director's Cut Master)
04. Richard Earnshaw feat Jocelyn Brown / Worthy (Director's Cut Classic Club Mix)
05. Frankie Knuckles pres Director's Cut feat Jamie Principle / I’ll Take You There (Director's Cut Classic Signature Mix)
06. Groove Assassin & Kenny Bobien / About Love (Sean McCabe Alt Vocal Dubbed Mix)
07. Hani & Andrea Martin / Middle of the Night (Extra Sauce Mix)
08. Kruse & Nuremburg feat Stee Downes / Last Chance (Original Mix)
09. Kenny Summit & Director's Cut pres Yasmeen / Loving You (Original Mix)
10. Candi Staton / Hallelujah Anyway (Director's Cut Halledubya Anyway)
11. Lil’ Louis / Fable (Director's Cut Classic Club Mix)
12. Il Padrinos feat Jocelyn Brown / That’s How Good Your Love Is (Club Mix)
ディスク 2
The Soultronic Side
01. Frankie Knuckles pres Director's Cut feat B.Slade / You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) (DJ Meme's Mix of Epic Proportions)
02. Joey Negro / Feel It (Alek Kenji Remix)
03. The Shapeshifters & C-Dock / Nothing But Love For You (Director's Cut Breathtaking Adventure)
04. Human Life / In It Together (Director's Cut Signature Togetherness)
05. Colton Ford / Let Me Live Again (A Director's Cut Classic Master)
06. Ono / I’m Movin' On (A Director's Cut Club Mix)
07. Quentin Harris & Ultra Nate / Give it 2 U (Frankie Knuckles Gagatha Christie Mix)
08. Inaya Day & Robin S / Right Now (A Director's Cut Master)
09. DJ Vivona & Joi Cardwell / Return to Love (A Director's Cut Treatment)
10. DBOW / Get Involved (Original Mix)
11. DJ Chus & Rob Mirage / Back 2 NY (Original Stereo Mix)
12. Frankie Knuckles pres Director's Cut feat Jamie Principle / Your Love (Accapella)
13. Frankie Knuckles pres Director's Cut feat Jamie Principle / Your Love (Belocca & Soneec Vocal Dub)
14. Frankie Knuckles pres Director's Cut feat B.Slade / Get Over U (Rober Gaez ‘Mustache’ Mix)
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