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The Who

The Who  Artist TOP All Items

Few rock & roll bands were riddled with as many contradictions as the Who. All four members had wildly different personalities, as their notorious live performances demonstrated: Keith Moon fell ..more


Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan  Artist TOP All Items

Bob Dylan’s influence on popular music is incalculable. As a songwriter, he pioneered several different schools of pop songwriting, from confessional singer/songwriter to winding, hallucinatory, st ..more


Peter Gabriel

Peter Gabriel  Artist TOP All Items

As the leader of Genesis in the early ’70s, Peter Gabriel helped move progressive rock to new levels of theatricality. He was no less ambitious as a solo artist, but he was more subtle in his me ..more


Black Sabbath

Black Sabbath  Artist TOP All Items

An English hard rock institution whose influence on heavy metal cannot be overstated, Black Sabbath not only pioneered the genre, they helped launch the career of one of its most colorful and contr ..more


Van Halen

Van Halen  Artist TOP All Items

With their 1978 eponymous debut, Van Halen simultaneously rewrote the rules of rock guitar and hard rock in general. Guitarist Eddie Van Halen redefined what the electric guitar could do, ..more



Laufey  Artist TOP All Items


King Crimson

King Crimson  Artist TOP All Items

If there is one group that embodies progressive rock, it is King Crimson. Led by guitar/Mellotron virtuoso Robert Fripp, during its first five years of existence the band stretched both the lang ..more


Dua Lipa

Dua Lipa  Artist TOP All Items

English pop singer Dua Lipa showcased a throwback vibe and a knack for catchy pop with soulful grit, much like Sia, Jessie J, or P!nk, and a slyly rebellious air like Charli XCX and M ..more


Ringo Starr

Ringo Starr  Artist TOP All Items

Ringo Starr, born Richard Starkey, was the drummer in the Beatles from 1962 to 1970 and thus became one of the most famous musicians of the ’60s. Though the least prominent member of the quar ..more




At the time of their 1990 debut, the kind of rock & roll the Black Crowes specialized in was sorely out of style. Only Guns N’ Roses came close to approximating a vintage Stones-style raunch, ..more


Paul Weller

Paul Weller  Artist TOP All Items

As the leader of the Jam, Paul Weller fronted the most popular British band of the punk era, influencing legions of English rockers ranging from his mod revival contemporaries to the Smiths i ..more


Dire Straits

Dire Straits  Artist TOP All Items

Dire Straits emerged during the post-punk era of the late ’70s, and while their sound was minimalistic and stripped down, they owed little to punk. If anything, the band was a direct outgrowt ..more


Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran  Artist TOP All Items

Flame-haired singer/songwriter, beatboxer, and guitarist Ed Sheeran’s eclectic blend of acoustic pop, folk, and hip-hop has been championed by everyone from the underground grime scene to American ..more



AC / DC  Artist TOP All Items

AC/DC’s mammoth power chord roar became one of the most influential hard rock sounds of the ’70s, and is now one of the defining sounds of rock and metal. In its own way, it was a reaction against ..more


Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix  Artist TOP All Items

In his brief four-year reign as a superstar, Jimi Hendrix expanded the vocabulary of the electric rock guitar more than anyone before or since. Hendrix was a master at coaxing all manner of u ..more


Def Leppard

Def Leppard  Artist TOP All Items

UK heavy metal top band Def Leppard dates back to Atmoic Mass, formed in 1977 by Rick Savage (bassist) and Pete Wills (guitarist). Let’s take a review at their long and winding career. ..more


Red Hot Chili Peppers

Red Hot Chili Peppers  Artist TOP All Items

Red Hot Chili Peppers was once called a mixture-rock band for its diversity of music styles. Fusing rock, funk, punk and rap into one, the pioneering modern rock band looks set to go on with its 20 ..more



IRON MAIDEN  Artist TOP All Items

Known for such powerful hits as Two Minutes to Midnight and The Trooper, Iron Maiden are one of heavy metal’s most influential bands. They’re also one of metal’s most enduring and distinctive a ..more


The Smile

The Smile  Artist TOP All Items


