CD Import

Hans Knappertsbusch : The Orchestral Edition (18CD)

User Review :5.0

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Product Description

Gathered together for the first time on Universal Music labels, including several first CD releases on Decca, is the orchestral legacy of an inimitable genius of the podium: Hans Knappertsbusch. Even in his own lifetime, Hans Knappertsbusch divided opinion, between listeners affronted by technical slips caused by his notorious aversion to rehearsal and those who saw in him the last representative of a performing tradition dating back to Richard Wagner. Working mostly in the opera houses of Munich and Vienna, he never became music director of a symphony orchestra, but his postwar Decca recordings of central repertoire from Beethoven to Strauss, including three distinguished concerto collaborations with Clifford Curzon, preserve interpretations of a flexibility, sweep and grandeur scarcely imaginable today. For Decca, Knappertsbusch recorded with the great orchestras of London, Paris, Zurich, Geneva and Vienna. The orchestral discography began with Brahmss Second Symphony with the Suisse Romande, Wagnerian bleeding chunks in the Kingsway Hall in December 1947 and ended in February 1960 in the Sofiensaal of Vienna, conducting Tchaikovskys Nutcracker Suite with a delicacy and grace that will surprise listeners who think of him only as the high priest of Parsifal at Bayreuth. The box is full of such surprises: an album of Strauss waltzes and polkas that turns on a sixpence; nimble Bruckner scherzos; one of the swiftest versions of Tod und Verklrung on record. Once introduced to Clifford Curzon, Knappertsbusch was immediately enthusiastic about performing and recording with this great English gentleman; their versions of Beethovens Fourth and Fifth and Brahmss Second have long been mainstays of the Decca catalogue. Much else here is newly remastered and now widely available on Decca for the first time in many years, such as Wagnerian overtures and preludes with the Zurich Tonhalle (1947) and the London Philharmonic (1948) orchestras. Bruckners Symphonies Nos. 3-5 (1954-6) preserve Knappertsbuschs profound working relationship with the VPO at its most harmonious. A magnificently trenchant Brahms album with the VPO in 1957 also features Lucretia West in the Alto Rhapsody. For devotees and sceptics alike, this box offers revelations and the opportunity to reassess the art of a conductor held in the deepest affection by many of the musicians and singers who worked with him.

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投稿日:2022/03/14 (月)

クナッパーツブッシュは録音嫌いだったそうだが、こうしてひとまとまりにしたものを見ると、驚くほどの名盤揃いであることがわかる。 ウィーンフィルとのブルックナーの交響曲3、4、5、ミュンヘンフィルとの8番など、いずれもそれぞれの作品を語る上で欠かすことのできない名演ばかりである。確かに、すべて弟子たちが編曲した、いわゆる「改竄版」であるが、演奏そのものは素晴らしい。 他にも「ウィーンの休日」と題されたワルツ、ポルカ集、「ポピュラー名曲集」、「ブラームス小品集」などは、いずれも小品ながら大曲のようなスケール感を持つ、まさにクナッパーツブッシュの巨匠ぶりが遺憾なく発揮された名盤ばかりである。 また、戦後のバイロイト音楽祭で、死の前年まで「パルジファル」を指揮し続けたことから、ワーグナーの同曲異演が多く含まれるが、フルトヴェングラーと並んで即興の大家であったクナッパーツブッシュゆえ、たとえ同じ曲でも、それぞれに違った表現を見ることができ、興味は尽きない。 とくにウェストミンスターにミュンヘンフィルと行った二枚のワーグナー序曲、前奏曲集は、凡百の指揮者が束になっても敵わない、唯一無二の人類の至宝である。 昨年末に発売されたフルトヴェングラー正規録音集や同時発売のオペラエディションと合わせて、すべてのクラシック・ファン、必携のセットと言っても過言ではない。

かっぱ人間 さん | 大分県 | 不明


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