CD Import

Golden Age Of Grotesque

Marilyn Manson

User Review :4.5

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Product Description

Timing is everything in pop music, and Marilyn Manson hit a zeitgeist in the mid-'90s with Antichrist Superstar, riding the post-alternative wave to the top of the charts with his dark, arty, industrial metal. He was a proud shock artist and a great interview, one of the few rockers of his time who stood his own against his attackers by offering articulate, informed counterarguments to their blustering rage. Like any shock rocker, though, the novelty wears thin fast, and what was once scary turns into self-parody. Manson, no stranger to rock history, attempted to circumvent this by turning quickly to the left with the glam-soaked Mechanical Animals, but in doing so he lost huge portions of his audience, and by the time he returned to scary industrial metal form on Holy Wood in 2000, he seemed out of date and few critics or fans paid attention. Three years later, he unleashed his fifth album, the Golden Age of Grotesque, and he still seemed out of step with the times, but there was a difference - he sounded comfortable with that development. Also, by 2003, rock, particularly heavy metal, was in desperate need of artists with a grand vision and ambition, which Manson has in spades. After all, the Golden Age is designed to be a modern update of German art, vaudeville, and decadent Hollywood glamour of the '30s, all given a thudding metallic grind, of course. In an era when heavy rockers have no idea what happened in the '80s, much less the '30s, it's hard not to warm to this, even if his music isn't your own personal bag. Musically, Manson isn't departing from his basic sound - he's following through on the return to basics Holy Wood represented - but his first self-production has resulted in an album that feels light and nimble, even though it's drenched in distortion and screams. It feels as if Manson now feels liberated from not being consistently in the spotlight, and his music has opened up as well. With that new freedom, he gets silly on occasion - the gibberish on the ridiculously titled This Is the New Sh*t, the appropriation of Faith No More's Be Aggressive for mOBSCENE, the lyric You are the church/I am the steeple/When we f*ck we are God's People - but instead of knocking the record off track, they are part of the big picture on this oversized album. What matters here, as it always does on a Marilyn Manson album, is the overarching concept, and while the Golden Age of Grotesque has some kind of theme, it's particulars aren't discernible, but the overall feeling resonates strongly. This messy, unruly, noisy burlesque may fall on it's face, but it puts itself in the position where it can either stand or fall, and, unlike in the past, Manson isn't taking himself so seriously that he sounds stiff. It all adds up to a very good album - maybe not his best, and certainly not one that will attract the most attention, but it's a hell of a lot grander than what his peers are producing, and holds it's own with his previous records. It's also a bit more fun, too, and that counts for a lot.

Track List   

  • 01. Intro (01:14)
  • 02. This Is the New Shit (04:19)
  • 03. Mobscene (03:25)
  • 04. Doll-Dagga Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag (04:10)
  • 05. Use Your Fist and Not Your Mouth (03:34)
  • 06. Golden Age of Grotesque, The (04:05)
  • 07. (s)Aint (03:42)
  • 08. Ka-Boom Ka-Boom (04:02)
  • 09. Slutgarden (04:06)
  • 10. Spade (04:34)
  • 11. Para-Noir (06:01)
  • 12. Bright Young Things, The (04:19)
  • 13. Better of Two Evils (03:48)
  • 14. Vodevil (04:39)
  • 15. Obsequey (The Death of Art) (01:35)

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投稿日:2014/08/21 (木)

’03年発表。マリリン・マンソンの通算6枚目のアルバムだ。自伝的内容で構成された3部作を経て約2年半ぶりに発表された本作は、無機質なイントロ@に続くAのThis Is the new shit!(これが俺のあらたなほざきだ!)の雄叫びで強烈に幕を明ける。リード・ボーカル、女性コーラス、ヘビー・ギターの3者が執拗にからみつくポップでエロチックなB、ビッグ・バンド調のビートの上を踊りまくるマンソンが頭に浮かぶダンサンブル(!)なC、退廃的なムードに彩られたタイトル曲E、女性の声とわけのわからないギター・ソロだけが耳に残るJ。確かにこれまでとは違う新しいマンソンがいる。既発アルバムよりも細かいサウンド・プロダクトにこだわっているのも見逃せないが、いちばんの変化はその歌い方(聴かせ方)だ。録音過程は不明だが、マンソンの声にサウンドを重ねているのではなく、多彩な楽曲にマンソンがボーカルを合わせているかのようだ。本作と同タイトル(グロテスク黄金時代の意)の水彩画展が02年秋ハリウッドで開催されていたが、そこに飾られた絵には一つひとつに違う“顔”があったそうだ。そのなかにはあのコロンバイン高校で銃を乱射し13名を射殺し自らの命を絶ったマンソン崇拝者のふたりの少年に関係する作品も含まれていた。自らセンセーショナルな話題を振りまきながら、ときにマスコミの格好の餌食になりながらも表現者としての自覚を決して失わなかったマリリン・マンソン。アンチクライスト・スーパースターは、本作でゴス・ロック云々の十字架も破棄したようだ。

madman さん | 不明 | 不明


投稿日:2013/02/03 (日)


ひ〜ちゃん さん | 東京都 | 不明


投稿日:2008/09/07 (日)

3部作から解き放たれ、アートに徹した(同じタイトルのアート展を開催した)今作は誰にでも聴きやすいポップさに富み、随所に音や歌詞に遊び心があって面白い。油断してステップなんて踏んでいるといつの間にかダークな側面に引きずりこまれるという、まさに彼の大好きな「チョコレート工場」のような世界を体現している。 これを理解できない人はアートじゃない!最高!

hura さん | tokyo | 不明


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