VRAIN Review List

VRAIN | Review List | HMV&BOOKS online is a world class entertainment website which provides CD, DVD, Blu-ray, Games and Goods, Books, Comics and Magazines. Ponta Point available for both sites! Special campaigns and limited novelty with multiple payment & delivery options for our customer’s satisfaction!

Customer Reviews

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  • Every song on this is great. No boring ballads and...

    Posted Date:2008/08/27

    Every song on this is great. No boring ballads and no filler. Other than the first and last tracks (pretty much intros and outros), everything is high speed metal. The synth and keyboards add a lot and make VRAIN stand out. Definitely get this.

    Christopher .

  • かっこいい! すごい! こんな素敵なバンドがいたん...

    Posted Date:2006/06/17

    かっこいい! すごい! こんな素敵なバンドがいたんですね。とにかく迫力のある演奏と心に残るメロディが素晴らしいです。メンバーさんも皆それぞれ個性的でこれからずっと応援したいバンドです! 唯一残念だったのがミニアルバムという事でしたので「最高!」は次回作にとっておきます(笑)

    コシ・ヒカリ .


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