Nana Mizuki



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  • ★★★★★ 

    ユウムジカ  |  神奈川県  |  不明  |  13/January/2021

    ダークな展開と華麗なる鮮明なヴォーカルが響いている名曲ですね! ちなみに、水樹さんにとって初のオリコン初登場1位獲得のシングル作品であり、優秀の美を飾っています!

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  • ★★★★★ 

    A.T.  |  THAILAND  |  不明  |  29/January/2010

    Mizuki Nana’s Phantom Minds features 4 songs with 4 different styles that show her vocal versatility. The title track, Phantom Minds, is catchy fast-paced song. The melody sounds beautiful & refreshing and her vocal is great. It’s my favourite track of this single. Dont be long is the pop-rock song that pumps up your energy and fits as insert song for battle scene. Song Communication is in the cute, easy-listening pop category. It’s not standing out but still enjoyable. Juujika no Spread is the type of songs that can be label as Nana’s and Element Garden’s trademark, the fast-paced power pop with orchestral sounds that give the feeling of grandeur. Nana’s vocal in this song is really powerful and standing out and the arrangement is amazing, as expect from Element Garden. Overall, it’s a great and very enjoyable single.

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  • ★★★☆☆ 

    さや  |  東京都  |  不明  |  18/January/2010

    そんなに可もなく不可もなく、まあ良いんじゃないですかね。 タイトル曲もまあ良いですが、昔ながらの矢吹俊郎作詞作曲編曲の2曲目、志倉千代丸?の4曲目の方がもっと良い曲です。

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