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Review List of DEADWING 

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    This is a very individual release, of the short-lived, instrumental, Melbourne based band. Fans of Weather Report, Flock, Djam Karet etc will find much to love here- it is very addictive. The only caveat is that it is a live in the studio recording, with a fairly indifferent audience. The bonus live tracks show how these players could soar in concert.

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    This album has some good moments, mostly weighted to the third and forth sides. The opening tracks tend to overstay their welcome fairly quickly, and are the sort of tunes that give the term ’a blowing band’ a bad name. The sound is excellent, and the format does it justice. However, it is inessential.

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  • 1 people agree with this review

    SWEET made a valiant effort to transcend their teenybopper roots with this excellent album. The jewel in the crown is the extended version of LOVE IS LIKE OXYGEN- quite wonderful after all these years- in fact, exhilarating. The rest of the album features songs that contain unexpected key changes, fine harmonies, and a good deal of arranging acumen. The only dud track, CALIFORNIAN NIGHTS, is still o.k., and a try for American airplay. Brians health declined rapidly after this set- quite sad really.

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    This is very much a cult album. Those that caught on usually hoard several vinyl copies lest it ever disappear from circulation. How do you classify it? Funny perverse lyrics, deranged vocal presentation, all played off against a hot band, possibly enhanced with some a-grade chemicals. Oh, you can also dance yourself to exhaustion to most of it. Catch the ’bug’ and spread it. Essential.

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  • 2 people agree with this review

    If you do not have original vinyl, this is the only way to hear this seminal, towering triumph of an album. Such inspiration, married to a dedicated band of open minded musicians. It is emotional, heartfelt, and timeless.

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    What a great presentation of this classic concert. It works a treat in stereo, but is majestic in surround. Such sublime music, played with love and respect by a very ’hot’ band. Essential if you have the equipment to get the best out of it.

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    This may be a bit reduntant, if you own an earlier edition of the original recording. The newer recording is faithful to the old, the sound is great, so maybe for a first time purchase it is ideal.

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    This is the best edition of this marvellous, dynamically recorded album. The best racks are the earlier and later tracks. The drumming, on a high resolution system, will blow you away.

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    An early live album captures a younger band in full flight- very exciting, greatly improved sound. The studio album holds up well, if a little overproduced. Essential for the live album though.

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    The studio album is of its time, but enjoyable none the less. The live album is a ’corker’- great sound, formidable band interplay, sense of humour. A great purchase, beautifully remastered.

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    I had this on vinyl for a long, long time. I yearned for the days when a good surround sound presentation would be available. With this edition, played thru Dolby Pro-Logic 2- a good sense of enveloping detail can be discerned. I still love the music, and the imagination that wove these threads together. A great purchase.

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    This is by all estimates, not a remastering, but it must be noted, the SHM format allows it to shine once again. We thought the standard edition was a good reference recording, but this edition shows it to have been a little compressed, and comparitevely ’airless’. Now, it sounds as if it could have been recorded yesterday. A definite must if you know and love this music.

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    A great album, again betrayed by a compressed, bass shy mastering. When will they get it right. The music, however, is as thrilling as ever.

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    Lets face it- the original mixes were a bit odd, and apparently not what the band envisioned. So we have here beautifully remastered versions of sometimes quite dodgy originals. Still, it doesn’t matter- the music is timeless. Often imitated, never bettered. A cornerstone of British rock.

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  • 0 people agree with this review

    This is a gorgeous album on vinyl, but this edition which claims to be a 24 bit remaster is a disappointment. It is compressed and shrill, where the vinyl was voluptous and organic. Is it authorised by Arthur, and if not, what exactly did they remaster- perhaps second or third generation?.
    Look for the vinyl until such time as it is done properly and respectfully.
    All hail the God of Fire.

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Showing 1 - 15 of 16 items