What's Coupon?

The Coupon can be used at HMV&BOOKS online web site.

* 10 "Multiple Use Coupon" can be used at once.
* "Multiple Use Coupon" and "Coupon" can not be used at once.
* Coupons can be used when the total cost is over the discount price.
* When multiple coupons are used, coupons with earlier expiration date will be used.

When orders are cancelled or partially cancelled, unused coupon will be returned. The discount will be shown on the discount column.
* Coupon cannot be used for purchases at Lawson Hot Station, Mobastore, HMV@Loppi, Loppi, Lawson Ticket, iTunes and any HMV retail location including Japan or at any international HMV websites.
* Coupon cannot be encashed or transferred to a third person.
* This service is exclusive to the customers who are registered to Lawson WEB Members.

Customers also refer to the folloing page.
・ What is Ponta Points?
・ What is a HMV ONLINE Gift Voucher?
・ Customers with 32 Digit Coupon Code

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