ディスク 1
01. [Unspecified] Pavan
02. [Unspecified] Galliard
03. Allegro
04. Largo
05. Allegro
06. Allegro
07. Adagio
08. Presto
09. O ruddier that the cherry
10. Schafe knnen sicher weiden
11. Sonatina
12. Esurientes
13. The Art of the Recorder
14. The Art of the Recorder
15. The Art of the Recorder
16. The Art of the Recorder
17. The Art of the Recorder
18. The Art of the Recorder
19. The Art of the Recorder
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21. The Art of the Recorder
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23. The Art of the Recorder
24. The Art of the Recorder
25. The Art of the Recorder
26. The Art of the Recorder
27. The Art of the Recorder
28. The Art of the Recorder
ディスク 2
01. Lebhaft
02. Fugato - Langsam
03. Lebhaft
04. The Art of the Recorder
05. The Art of the Recorder
06. The Art of the Recorder
07. The Art of the Recorder
08. The Art of the Recorder
09. The Art of the Recorder
10. The Art of the Recorder
11. The Art of the Recorder
12. The Art of the Recorder
13. The Art of the Recorder
14. The Art of the Recorder
15. The Art of the Recorder
16. The Art of the Recorder
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18. The Art of the Recorder
19. The Art of the Recorder
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22. The Art of the Recorder
23. The Art of the Recorder
24. The Art of the Recorder
25. The Art of the Recorder
26. The Art of the Recorder
27. The Art of the Recorder
28. The Art of the Recorder
29. The Art of the Recorder
30. The Art of the Recorder
31. The Art of the Recorder
32. The Art of the Recorder
33. The Art of the Recorder
34. The Art of the Recorder
35. The Art of the Recorder
36. The Art of the Recorder
37. The Art of the Recorder
38. The Art of the Recorder
39. The Art of the Recorder
40. The Art of the Recorder
41. The Art of the Recorder
42. The Art of the Recorder
投稿日:2007/07/31 (火)
投稿日:2005/05/30 (月)
投稿日:2005/05/14 (土)
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