01. Hold Your Hand Madam Khan
02. Bastardy
03. Ida, Ida Let Me Know.
04. History Of Man
05. Sunny Grenada
06. Anything For Love
07. Don't Touch Me
08. Jack's Broth
09. Madam Khan
10. More They Try To Do Me Bad
11. I Want To Build A Bungalow
12. Excursion To Granada
13. Ba Boo La La
14. I Don't Want No Bungalow
15. Tres Bemoles
16. Commission's Report
17. Joe Louis
18. Ruby Canera
19. I Am Going To Buy A Bungalow
20. Emmalene
21. Seven Skeletons Found In The Yard
22. My Troubles With Dorothy
23. Clear The Way When The Bamboo Play
24. Me And My Neighbour Don't Agree
25. Will Dispute
26. Shout All Guiana
27. Why I Killed Winifre
28. Li'l, Li'l Gal
29. Orphan Children
30. Rubina
31. Back To Grenada
32. Lajebeless Woman
33. Theresa
34. Show Me What You Could Do
35. Bushwoman Come To Town
36. Lillian
37. Censoring Of Calypso Makes Us Glad
38. Bamboo Band
39. Shango
40. Deliso
41. Mr. Nankivell's Speech
42. Cicilia
43. Exploiting
44. My Wedding Celebration
45. School Boys' Adventure
46. Banning Of Records
47. West Indian Rhythm
48. Governor's Resignation
49. Horros Of War
50. Victoria
51. Jimpy's Ingratitude
52. Not Me With Matrimony
53. League Of Nations
54. Tobabo's Scandal
55. Captain, Put Me Ashore
56. Give Me Back My Ring
57. Ancient Carnival
58. Hojoe
59. Sa Gomes' Emporiums
60. It's A Sin T Tell A Lie
61. Heroes If Old
62. Vitalogy
63. I Am Happy To Be In Love
64. Poppy Day
65. We Mourn The Loss Of Sir Murchison Fletcher
66. Strike
67. Normandie
68. We Want Sa Gomes
69. Drinker And The Gambler
70. How I Spent My Time At The Hospital
71. Peter, Go Ring Dem Bells
72. What Kind Of Shoes You Going To Wear
73. When Me Body Lay Down In The Grave
74. Jonah, Come Out The Wilderness
75. Mamy Mine My Baby For Me
76. Ting A Ling Mi Bangola
77. African War Call
78. Play Mass, Don't Do Me That
79. Little Gal, Mother Is Calling You
80. Fire Brigade
81. Archie Boulay
82. They Say I Reign Too Long
83. Manuelita
84. Beautiful Land Of Lere
85. Civil War In Spain
86. I Don't Want Them To Stand Me Bail
87. Next Door Neghbour
88. I Want A Radio At Home
89. Where Was Butler?
90. Vendor's Song
91. Guests Of Rudy Vallee
92. Why Me Craf Vex With Mw (why Me Neighbour...)
93. Under The British Commander (the Gold In....)
94. Tina
95. Tropical Heat
96. Barre - A - Oh
97. Marian
98. Girls Of Today
99. Man, Man, Man Peter
100. Nellie Go Out Mi Door
101. Down The Road
102. Darling Kimberlin
103. Senorita Panchita
104. Emilia
105. Suspiro Del Pobre
106. Love Has Don For Me
107. Jim Congo Myer
108. Gertrude
109. Miss Marie's Advice
110. Lopez Contreras
111. Tierras Lejanas
112. Linda Vista
113. Mi Vida
114. Old Man
115. Only Foreigners
116. Calypso Behind The Wal
117. Too Botheration
118. History Of Woodbrook Vicinity
119. Happy Man
120. Hitler Demands
121. Bosie Darling
122. Trinidad Loves To Play Carnival
123. Coldness Of The Water
124. In The Morning
125. Police Diplomacy
126. Diamond Ring For Emmaline
127. Demasbar
128. Ten Thousand To Bar Me One
129. Buddy Abraham
130. They Talk About Nora's Badness
131. Who Has Done The Most For Humanity
132. Love Me Emily
133. Five Year Plan
134. Home Sweet Home
135. Time For Man Go Home
136. So Many Women
137. Fare Thee Well
138. Woman Headache
139. Malicious Neighbors
140. After The Bacchanal
141. Chamberlain Says Peace
142. Christmas Morning The Rum Had Me Yawning
143. Don't Tickle Me Dorothy
144. In The Dew And The Rain
145. I Don't Want No Calaloo
146. Mois La Travy
147. Peggy Dearie
148. Death
149. Bee
150. Sweat Emily
151. Old Woman
152. Hooray Hurrah
153. Fire Girls
154. Elsie Jambie
155. Elsie
156. Old Men Come Back Again
157. Matilda
158. John O'carr
159. It's The Rhythm We Want
160. West Indian Sheik
161. Dem Policeman
162. Belle Trinidad
163. Inequality Of Life
164. My Life Of Matrimony
165. No Surrender
166. Fire, Fire In Port - On - Spain
167. If They Follow Me They Get Fever
168. Freddo
169. Reine Maribone
170. Charming Trinidad
171. Gabilan Bombay
172. Allanom (go Way Nan)
173. You Better Let Me Go
174. I Am Free, Single And Disengaged
175. Don't Stop The Carnival
176. Sofie Bellah
177. Too Much Sorry And Pain
178. Joe Louis - Schmeling Fight
179. Soup In Bottle
180. High Brown
181. Bad Woman Oh
182. Blow Wind Blow
183. Kash Kash Kmona
184. Customs Fire
185. Power Of The Lion
186. Where Is My Sister This Morning
187. Ara Da Da
188. Scorpio
189. New Shop Law
190. My Indian Girl Love
191. Bing Crosby
192. Mama I Want It
193. Memories Of Trinidad
194. A Manja Soqua Me
195. Two Bad Men In The World
196. Gambo Lai Lai Before The Court
197. Leave Me Alone Dorothy
198. Advantageous Youg Girls
199. Adeline
200. You Felt Me Bundle Before The Dro
201. Hitler
202. My Intention Is To Join The Volunteers
203. Hitler Demanded Trinidad
204. Romance In The Moonlight
205. Caro At Point Cumana
206. Ochro And Rice
207. Invasion Of Poland
208. Sir Neville Chanberlain
209. Hitler's Mistake
210. Freedom And L Iberty
211. Clementina
212. Not So Carolina
213. Finland
214. My Impressions Of Demerara
215. Sedition Law
216. Two Sisters Scandal
217. Run Your Run Hitler
218. Hitler's Atitude
219. Brambroocoo Dance
220. Appetite
221. Let Them Fight For Ten Thousand Years
222. Lion Oh
223. Carnival Revue
224. Run Your Run Hitler
225. Do You Remember Me?
226. Second Hand Girls
227. Cocoa Tea Puzzle To Me
228. No No No Miss Angeline
229. In My Own Native Land
230. When I Marry Dorothy
231. Emily
232. Germany Invade Poland
233. Story Of Mr. Paul
234. Leave Me Alone Dorothy
235. Matrimony Becomes A Papyshow
236. Lillian's Slackness
237. Don't Worry With Me
238. Bertha I Feel You
239. No, No, Marie
240. Demi Gal
241. Nazi Spy Ring
242. Deliso
243. Ah Neighbours Neighbours
244. Happy Land Of Canaan
245. Suzi-qu
246. I Send My Wife To The Market
247. Shango Dance
248. Rada Dance
249. Vieja Mila
250. Carnival Again
251. Sambo Why You Are Go
252. Patria Preferida
253. Gambie Law Ray
254. Admiral Graf Spee
255. No Wedding Bells For Me
256. Li Li Pierrot Darrie
257. Send Hitler To St. Helena
258. Teener Have Sympathy
259. Guardian Contest
260. War
261. Harold Change Your Mind
262. Women Diplomacy
263. Orphan Home
264. Ellis Nottingham
265. Policeman
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