ディスク 1
01. No. 1: Even small things
02. No 4:. Blessed by the world entstund
03. No. 39. Blessed be the Green
04. No. 3: You are the fairest
05. No 21:. I ??Am Told That Your Mother Did Not Want
06. No. 41. Tonight I rose at midnight
07. No. 40:. Oh, were your house transparent as a glass
08. No 27:. Already stretched 'I made the bed
09. No. 18: Heb 'on your blond head
10. No 20:. My Love Is Singing at the House in the Moon a Esch to Bring a Serenade to You 11 No 22
11. No 42:. No longer can I sing
12. No. 43: Be silent suddenly quiet
13. No. 44: O you knew, because of you how much I
14. No. 6: Who called you that?
15. No. 31: How should I be cheerful
16. No. 10: You think with a little thread to catch me
17. No. 14: journeyman, we wrap ourselves in cowls woll'n
18. No 45:. Devour the abyss of my beloved cottage
19. No. 8: Now let us make peace
20. No 29:. Well I know him your booth
21. No 38:. If you brush past me with eyes
22. No 36:. If you are, my love, climb up to heaven
23. No. 23: What should be sung a song for you
24. No 19:. We have been silent for a long time both
25. No. 34: And is your early morning on Bette
26. No. 16: Young people
27. No. 9: That it would be painted all your charms
28. No. 2: I was told travellest into the distance
29. No. 17: And you want to see your loved one die
30. No 33:. I die, so enveloped in flowers my limbs
31. No. 15:. My love is so small
32. No. 35:. Envy the mother sel'ge
33. No 24:. I now eat my bread
34. No. 7: The moon has a heavy Klag applicable '
35. No. 25:. My love has invited me to dinner
36. No 26:. I was saying and told me
37. No. 11: How long have
38. No. 27:. How many times I lost to love you!
39. No. 32:. What does the anger, my darling, which heats up
40. No. 5: Blessed are blind
41. No. 12: No, young man
42. No. 13:. You're arrogant, beautiful child
43. No. 28:. You tell me that I am no princess
44. No. 30:. Let them go, which plays so the Proud
45. ??No 46:. I Got in Penna
ディスク 2
01. No. 1: Now I am yours
02. No 3:. Now wander, Maria
03. No. 4: The Your schwebet
04. No. 5: Lead me, child, to Bethlehem
05. No. 6: Oh, the boy my eyes are so beautiful
06. No 8:. Oh, how long slumbering soul
07. No. 9: Lord, what contributes to the bottom here
08. No. 7: Mhvoll I come and loaded
09. No. 10: wounds you carry, my beloved
10. No. 2: The you bore God, Reine
11. No. 5: On the green balcony
12. No. 16: Bitt him, O Mother
13. No 21:. All went, heart, to rest
14. No. 17: Love ignites my breast
15. No. 18: Painful delights and blissful pain
16. No. 6: If you're going to flowers
17. No. 2: In the shadow of my curls
18. No. 7: Who lost his love holdes
19. No. 10: oaths, the vow of love
20. No. 3: Strange is Juana way
21. No 32:. Since only suffering and passion
22. No. 13: May all evil tongues
23. No 30:. Who hurt your little feet?
24. No 33:. Woe that entangled of me
25. No. 4: driving only with loving mockery
26. No. 19: Do not trust the love
27. No. 11: fainthearted, not fast
28. No. 12: Say, are you there, gentleman
29. No. 9: Blind Look, Dark Light
30. No 14:. Head, brains, not whimpered
投稿日:2021/02/26 (金)
投稿日:2017/07/26 (水)
投稿日:2012/08/19 (日)
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