ディスク 1
01. Handel : Saul : Symphony
02. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "How Excellent Thy Name, Oh Lord" [Chorus]
03. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "An Infant Rais'd By Thy Command" [Soprano]
04. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "Along the Monster Atheist Strode" [Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Bass]
05. Handel : Saul HWV53 : Act 1 "The Youth Inspir'd By Thee, Oh Lord" "How Excellent Thy Name, Oh Lord" [Chorus]
06. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "He Comes, He Comes!" "Oh Godlike Youth!" [Michal]
07. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "Behold, Oh King, the Brave, Victorious Youth" [Abner, Saul, David] "Oh King, Your Favours with Delight I Take" [David]
08. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "Oh Early Piety!" [Jonathan]
09. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "What Abject Thoughts a Prince Can Have!" "Yet Think, on Whom This Honour You Bestow" [Merab]
10. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "Birth and Fortune I Despise!" [Jonathan]
11. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "Thou, Merab, First in Birth" [Saul, Merab] "My Soul Rejects the Thought with Scorn" [Merab]
12. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "See, with What a Scornful Air" "Ah! Lovely Youth!" [Michal]
13. Handel : Saul : Act 1 Symphony
14. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "Already See the Daughters" [Michal]
15. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "Welcome, Welcome, Mighty King!" "Saul, Who Has Thy Thousands Slain" [Chorus]
16. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "What Do I Hear?" [Saul] "David His Ten Thousands Slew" [Chorus] "To Him Ten Thousands!" [Saul] "With Rage I Shall Burst His Praises to Hear" [Saul]
17. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "Imprudent Women!" [Jonathan, Michal] "Fell Rage and Black Despair Possess'd" [Michal]
18. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "Rack'd with Infernal Pains" [Abner]
19. Handel : Saul HWV53 : Act 1 "Oh Lord, Whose Mercies Numberless" [David]
20. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "'Tis All in Vain" [Jonathan]
21. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "A Serpent, in My Bosom Warm'd" "Has He Escap'd My Rage" [Saul]
22. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "Capricious Man" [Merab]
23. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "Oh Filial Piety!" "No, Cruel Father, No!" [Jonathan]
24. Handel : Saul : Act 1 "Preserve Him for the Glory of Thy Name" [Chorus]
25. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "Envy! Eldest Born of Hell!" [Chorus]
26. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "Ah! Dearest Friend" "But Sooner Jordan's Stream, I Swear" "My Father Comes" [Jonathan]
27. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "Hast Thou Obey'd My Orders" [Saul, Jonathan] "Sin Not, Oh King, Against the Youth" [Jonathan]
28. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "As Great Jehovah Lives" [Saul]
29. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "From Cities Storm'd, and Battles Won" [Jonathan]
ディスク 2
01. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "Appear, My Friend" [Jonathan, Saul]
02. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "Your Words, Oh King" [David]
03. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "Yes, He Shall Wed My Daughter!" [Saul]
04. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "A Father's Will" [Michal]
05. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "Oh Fairest of Ten Thousand Fair" [Michal, David]
06. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "Is There a Man" [Chorus]
07. Handel : Saul : Act 2 Concerto
08. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "Thy Father Is As Cruel" [David] "At Persecution I Can Laugh" [Daivd, Michal]
09. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "Whom Dost Thou Seek?" [Michal, Doeg] "No, No, Let the Guilty Tremble" [Michal]
10. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "Mean As He Was" "Author of Peace" [Merab]
11. Handel : Saul : Act 2 Symphony
12. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "The Time at Length Is Come" [Saul]
13. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "Where Is the Son of Jesse?" [Saul, Jonathan]
14. Handel : Saul : Act 2 "O Fatal Consequence of Rage" [Chorus]
15. Handel : Saul : Act 3 "Wretch That I Am!" "'Tis Said, Here Lives a Woman" [Saul]
16. Handel : Saul : Act 3 "With Me What Wouldst Thou?" [Witch, Saul] "Infernal Spirits" [Witch]
17. Handel : Saul : Act 3 "Why Has Thou Forc'd Me" [Samuel, Saul]
18. Handel : Saul : Act 3 Symphony
19. Handel : Saul : Act 3 "Whence Comst Thou?" [David, Amalekite] "Impious Wretch, of Race Accurst!" [David]
20. Handel : Saul HWV53 : Act 3 Dead March
21. Handel : Saul : Act 3 "Mourn, Israel" [Chorus]
22. Handel : Saul : Act 3 "O Let It Not in Gath Be Heard" [Jonathan] "From This Unhappy Day" [Michal]
23. Handel : Saul : Act 3 "Eagles Were Not So Swift As They" [Chorus]
24. Handel : Saul : Act 3 "In Sweetest Harmony" [Merab] "O Fatal Day!" [David, Chorus]
25. Handel : Saul : Act 3 "Ye Men of Judah, Weep No More!" [High Priest]
26. Handel : Saul HWV53 : Act 3 "Gird on Thy Sword" [Chorus]
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