CD 輸入盤







1. イントロダクション・スピーチ(Dr.ハーバート・ハウエルズ)
2. Sancte Dei pretiose (Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 572) 3.56
3. Perspice Christicola (British Library, MS Harley 978) 1.11
4. Salve sancta parens (Worcester Cathedral Library, MS Add. 68) 4.08
5. Sanctus & Benedictus (as 4) 1.41
6. Alleluia psallat (as 4) 1.09
7. Ave miles caelestis curiae (Bodleian Library, E Mus 7) (ed. Manfred Bukofzer)* 2.40
8. Conditor alme siderum (Bodleian Library, Laud lat. 95) 3.17
9. Gloria 2.37
J.Excetre (fl c1410)
10. Sanctus & Benedictus 3.21
Damett (d 1436/37)
11. Beata Dei genetrix Maria 3.19
John Dunstable (c1390-1453)*
12. Veni Sancte Spiritus 5.19
Walter Frye (d c1475)
13. Salve virgo mater pia (ed. Sylvia W. Kenney) 4.30
William Cornysh (d 1523)
14. Ave Maria, mater Dei (ed. Frank Ll. Harrison) 3.40

Ambrosian Singers (*with instrumental accompaniment)
Denis Stevens, conductor
Recorded in No.1 Studio, Abbey Road, London, 27 & 28 May 1965
Balance engineer: Christopher Parker

Volume 2 (1545-1650) (ed. Peter le Huray except where otherwise stated)
John Merbecke (c1505-c1585)
15. Nunc dimittis (Booke of Common Praier Noted) 1.34
Thomas Tallis (c1505?1585)
16. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? 2.57
Thomas Morley (1557/58-1602)
17. Nolo mortem peccatoris 3.24
William Byrd (c1540-1623)
18. Ave verum corpus (ed. John Morehen) 4.16
Robert Parsons i (c1535-1571/72)
19. Nunc dimittis (First Service) 3.14
Thomas Weelkes (?1576-1623)
20. Gloria in excelsis Deo 3.27
Richard Dering (c1580-1630)
21. Factum est silentium 3.24
William Child (1606/07-1697)
22. O God, wherefore art thou absent from us? 2.21

Peter Philips (1560/61-1628)
1. Ascendit Deus 2.41
2. Out of the deep (Grayston Burgess, countertenor)* 4.31
Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656)
3. Nunc dimittis (Fourth Service) (ed. Morehen)* 4.08
William Mundy (c1528-c1591)
4. Ah, helpless wretch (John Whitworth, countertenor)* 4.06
Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
5. Nunc dimittis (Short Service) 2.14
Richard Farrant (?c1525-30 to 1580)
6. Hide not thou thy face 1.58
7. Sing joyfully 2.43
Choir of Westminster Abbey
*Simon Preston (Snetzler chamber organ)
Douglas Guest, conductor
No.1 Studio, Abbey Road, 13, 15, 23 & 27 July 1965
Balance engineer: Robert Gooch

Bonus Tracks
Robert White (c1538-1574)
8. Christe qui lux es et dies (iv) (ed. Sylvia Townsend Warner) 3.22
9. O clap your hands together (ed. Edmund H. Fellowes) 5.15
Choir of Westminster Abbey
Douglas Guest, conductor
Westminster Abbey, 18-20 November 1964
Producer: Brian B. Culverhouse
Balance engineer: Christopher Parker

10. This is the record of John (ed. Fellowes) 4.57
11. Out of the deep (ed. Fellowes) 5.05
Gerald English (tenor)
10. Jaye Consort of Viols (director Francis Baines) ・ 11 John Morehen (organ)
Choir of Hampstead Parish Church
Martindale Sidwell, conductor
Church of St Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe, City of London, 3 May 1966
Producer: Christopher Bishop
Balance engineer: Neville Boyling

12. All people clap your hands (ed. Walter S. Collins) 1.52
13. O how amiable are thy dwellings (ed. Fellowes rev. Collins) 3.07
14. Lord, to thee I make my moan (ed. Fellowes rev. Morehen) 2.34
15. Alleluia: I heard a voice (ed. Warner) 2.32
Choir of Chichester Cathedral
John Birch, conductor
Boxgrove Priory, Sussex, 4 & 5 August 1966
Producer: Olive Bromhall
Balance engineer: Christopher Parker

16. Victimae paschali (ed. R. R. Terry) 3.31
17. My beloved spake 5.32
John Barston & Paul Copcutt (trebles)
James Bowman (countertenor)
Brian Kay (bass)
Michael Fleming (organ)
Boys of All Saints, Margaret Street
New English Singers
Simon Preston, conductor
St Mary of Eton, Hackney, 26 October 1967
Producer: Christopher Bishop
Balance engineer: Neville Boyling

Volume 3 (1650-1760) (ed. Christopher Dearnley)
Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
1. Thou knowest, Lord Z58c 2.25
Pelham Humfrey (1647/48-1674)
2. O Lord my God* 13.19
3. I will give thanks unto the Lord* 9.22
Maurice Greene (1696-1755)
4. O clap your hands (unaccompanied) 4.17
John Travers (c1703-1758)
5. Ascribe unto the Lord 9.59
William Boyce (1711-1779)
6. The heavens declare 13.13
2, 6: Michael Vaile (countertenor)
2, 3, 6: Robert Hammersley and 5 Gordon Anderson (tenors)
2, 3, 5, 6: John Barrow (baritone)
3: Philip Mindenhall (bass)
Choir of Guildford Cathedral (*with chamber orchestra)
Gavin Williams (organ)
Barry Rose, conductor
Guildford Cathedral, 4, 8, 16 & 18 October 1965
Balance engineer: Christopher Parker

Bonus Tracks
John Blow (1649-1708)
7. Salvator mundi (ed. Terry)* 4.20
8. God is our hope and strength (ed. Heathcote Statham) 3.18
9. Remember not, Lord, our offences (ed. Walter Emery) 3.22
10. O Lord God of hosts (ed. Anthony Lewis & Nigel Fortune)* 5.17
Choir of Westminster Abbey
Simon Preston (organ)
Douglas Guest, conductor
Westminster Abbey, 18-20 November 1964
Producer: Brian B. Culverhouse
Balance engineer: Christopher Parker

11. Hear my prayer, O Lord 2.54
Boys of All Saints, Margaret Street
New English Singers
Simon Preston, conductor
St Mary of Eton, Hackney, 26 October 1967
Producer: Christopher Bishop
Balance engineer: Neville Boyling

James Nares (1715-1783)
12. The souls of the righteous (Robin Lough & Ian Le Grice, trebles) 2.35
Temple Church Choir
Sir George Thalben-Ball (organist & director of music)
Temple Church, London, 27 July 1960
Producer: Peter Andry
Balance engineer: Neville Boyling

Volume 4 (1760-1900)
Jonathan Battishill (1738-1801)
1. O Lord, look down from heaven (ed. George C. Martin) 5.00
William Crotch (1775-1847)
2. Lo, star-led chiefs 4.49
John Goss (1800-1880)
3. If we believe that Jesus died 3.55
Frederick Gore Ouseley (1825-1889)
4. O Saviour of the world (ed. Henry G. Ley) (unaccompanied) 2.36
Thomas Attwood Walmisley (1814-1856)
Evening Service in D minor
5. Magnificat 4.48
6. Nunc dimittis 2.31
S. S. Wesley (1810-1876)
7. Cast me not away from thy presence 4.33
8. Wash me throughly from my wickedness 4.36
William Sterndale Bennett (1816-1875)
9. God is a spirit (unaccompanied) 3.02
T. Tertius Noble (1867-1953)
10. Nunc dimittis (Evening Service in B minor) 3.08
Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)
11. Te Deum (Service in B flat Op.10) 6.46
St Paul’s Cathedral Choir
Harry Gabb (organ)
Sir John Dykes Bower, conductor
St Paul’s Cathedral, 21 & 22 February and 2 & 3 March 1966
Balance engineer: Robert Gooch

Volume 5 (1900-1965)
12. Beati quorum via Op.38 No.3 3.46
Charles Wood (1866-1926)
13. Sanctus & Benedictus (Short Communion Service in the Phrygian Mode) 2.12
Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
14. O taste and see (Timothy Nott & Howard Davies, trebles)* 1.41
Edward C. Bairstow (1874-1946)
15. Let all mortal flesh keep silence 3.36
Martin Shaw (1875-1958)
16. Creed (Anglican Folk Mass)* 3.11
Gustav Holst (1874-1934)
17. Turn back, O man Op.36a No.2* 4.19
John Ireland (1879-1962)
18. Greater love hath no man (Howard Davies, treble; Noel Osborne, baritone)* 6.12

Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
1. Magnificat (Collegium Regale)* 5.14
Sir William Walton (1902-1983)
2. Set me as a seal upon thine heart (Timothy Nott, treble; Harvey Lansley, tenor) 3.23
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies (b 1934)
3. Ave Maria - Hail, blessed flower 2.48
Kenneth Leighton (1929-1988)
4. Give me the wings of faith (Anthony Holt, baritone)* 5.35
Choir of Chichester Cathedral
*Richard Seal (organ)
John Birch, conductor
Chichester Cathedral, 22-24 June 1966
Balance engineer: Christopher Parker

Bonus Tracks
Edward Elgar (1857-1934)
5. Give unto the Lord (Psalm 29) Op.74 8.23
Choir of Worcester Cathedral
Harry Bramma (organ)
Christopher Robinson, conductor
Worcester Cathedral, 6-8 March 1969
Producer: Brian B. Culverhouse
Balance engineer: Martin Benge

Peter Warlock (1894-1930)
6. I saw a fair maiden 4.30
7. A Spotless Rose (Roger Cleverdon, baritone) 3.32
8. Sing Lullaby 3.47
9. Here is the little door 3.36
John Joubert (b 1927)
10. There is no rose of such virtue 2.20
Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)
11. A Hymn to the Virgin 3.49
Choir of Westminster Abbey
Douglas Guest, conductor
Westminster Abbey, 28, 30 & 31 March 1967
Producer: Brian B. Culverhouse
Balance engineer: Stuart Eltham

Vaughan Williams
12. Te Deum in G 6.53
Cyril Rootham (1875?1938)
Evening Service in E minor
13. Magnificat 4.38
14. Nunc dimittis 3.46
Choir of Wells Cathedral
Anthony Crossland (organ)
Denys Pouncey, conductor
Wells Cathedral, 24-26 May 1965
Producer: Brian B. Culverhouse
Balance engineer: Robert Gooch

H. Walford Davies (1869-1941)
15. Jubilate in G 3.28
16. Blessed are the pure in heart 0.51
Thalben-Ball (1896-1987)
Evening Service in C
17. Magnificat 2.43
18. Nunc dimittis 1.34
Temple Church Choir
Sir George Thalben-Ball (organist 15 & director of music)
Temple Church, London, 24-26 June 1961
Producer: Peter Andry
Balance engineer: Neville Boyling

All five LPs of the Treasury of English Church Music were produced by Brian B. Culverhouse
Compiled and produced for CD by Malcolm Walker & Richard Abram
Digitally remastered at Abbey Road Studios by Simon Gibson & Andrew Walter
This compilation and digital remastering (p) 2011 by EMI Records Ltd


ディスク   1

  • 01. Introductory speech Herbert Howells 9:26
  • 02. Sancte Dei pretiose Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 3:55
  • 03. Perspice Christicola Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 1:11
  • 04. Salve sancta parens Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 4:09
  • 05. Sanctus & Benedictus Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 1:41
  • 06. Alleluia psallat Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 1:09
  • 07. Ave miles caelestis curiae Ambrosian Singers/Ambrosian Players/Denis Stevens 2:41
  • 08. Conditor alme siderum Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 3:17
  • 09. Gloria Ambrosian Singers/Ambrosian Players/Denis Stevens 2:36
  • 10. Sanctus and Benedictus Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 3:22
  • 11. Beata Dei genetrix Maria Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 3:19
  • 12. Veni Sancte Spiritus Ambrosian Singers/Ambrosian Players/Denis Stevens 5:19
  • 13. Salve virgo mater pia Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 4:30
  • 14. Ave maria, mater Dei Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 3:41
  • 15. Nunc dimittis (Merbecke) Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 1:33
  • 16. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 2:56
  • 17. Nolo mortem peccatoris Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 3:25
  • 18. Ave verum corpus Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 4:15
  • 19. Nunc dimittis (Parsons) Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 3:14
  • 20. Gloria in excelsis Deo Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 3:28
  • 21. Factum est silentium Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 3:23
  • 22. O God, wherefore art thou absent from us? Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 2:20

ディスク   2

  • 01. Ascendit Deus Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 2:41
  • 02. Out of the deep Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest/Simon Preston 4:30
  • 03. Nunc Dimittis Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest/Simon Preston 4:08
  • 04. Ah, helpless wretch Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest/Simon Preston 4:06
  • 05. Nunc dimittis (Short Service) Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 2:14
  • 06. Hide not thou thy face Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 1:57
  • 07. Sing joyfully Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 2:43
  • 08. Christie, qui lux es et dies Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 3:25
  • 09. O clap your hands together Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 5:13
  • 10. This is the record of John Gerald English/Hampstead Parish Church Choir/Jaye Consort of Viols/Francis Baines/Martindale Sidwell 4:56
  • 11. Out of the deep Gerald English/Hampstead Parish Church Choir/John Morehen/Martindale Sidwell 4:58
  • 12. All people clap your hands Chichester Cathedral Choir/John Birch 1:50
  • 13. O how amiable are thy dwellings Chichester Cathedral Choir/John Birch 3:07
  • 14. Lord, to thee I make my moan Chichester Cathedral Choir/John Birch 2:35
  • 15. Alleluia: I heard a voice Chichester Cathedral Choir/John Birch 2:29
  • 16. Victimae paschali Boys of All Saints', Margaret Street/New English Singers/Simon Preston 3:30
  • 17. My beloved spake Boys of All Saints', Margaret Street/New English Singers/Simon Preston 5:32

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