ディスク 1
01. Introductory speech Herbert Howells 9:26
02. Sancte Dei pretiose Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 3:55
03. Perspice Christicola Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 1:11
04. Salve sancta parens Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 4:09
05. Sanctus & Benedictus Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 1:41
06. Alleluia psallat Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 1:09
07. Ave miles caelestis curiae Ambrosian Singers/Ambrosian Players/Denis Stevens 2:41
08. Conditor alme siderum Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 3:17
09. Gloria Ambrosian Singers/Ambrosian Players/Denis Stevens 2:36
10. Sanctus and Benedictus Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 3:22
11. Beata Dei genetrix Maria Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 3:19
12. Veni Sancte Spiritus Ambrosian Singers/Ambrosian Players/Denis Stevens 5:19
13. Salve virgo mater pia Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 4:30
14. Ave maria, mater Dei Ambrosian Singers/Denis Stevens 3:41
15. Nunc dimittis (Merbecke) Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 1:33
16. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 2:56
17. Nolo mortem peccatoris Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 3:25
18. Ave verum corpus Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 4:15
19. Nunc dimittis (Parsons) Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 3:14
20. Gloria in excelsis Deo Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 3:28
21. Factum est silentium Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 3:23
22. O God, wherefore art thou absent from us? Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 2:20
ディスク 2
01. Ascendit Deus Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 2:41
02. Out of the deep Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest/Simon Preston 4:30
03. Nunc Dimittis Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest/Simon Preston 4:08
04. Ah, helpless wretch Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest/Simon Preston 4:06
05. Nunc dimittis (Short Service) Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 2:14
06. Hide not thou thy face Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 1:57
07. Sing joyfully Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 2:43
08. Christie, qui lux es et dies Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 3:25
09. O clap your hands together Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest 5:13
10. This is the record of John Gerald English/Hampstead Parish Church Choir/Jaye Consort of Viols/Francis Baines/Martindale Sidwell 4:56
11. Out of the deep Gerald English/Hampstead Parish Church Choir/John Morehen/Martindale Sidwell 4:58
12. All people clap your hands Chichester Cathedral Choir/John Birch 1:50
13. O how amiable are thy dwellings Chichester Cathedral Choir/John Birch 3:07
14. Lord, to thee I make my moan Chichester Cathedral Choir/John Birch 2:35
15. Alleluia: I heard a voice Chichester Cathedral Choir/John Birch 2:29
16. Victimae paschali Boys of All Saints', Margaret Street/New English Singers/Simon Preston 3:30
17. My beloved spake Boys of All Saints', Margaret Street/New English Singers/Simon Preston 5:32
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