01. Always My Heart Wanders
02. Nearer, My God, to Thee
03. O God, Thou Knowest
04. The Last Farewell to Life on Earth
05. Hail You, Saviour and Atoner
06. The Gloomy Night to Morning Yields
07. Now the Flowers Are Blooming
08. Paschal Flow'r! Why Do You Care to Come Forth?
09. Arise, All Things That God Has Made
10. O Thou, Image of Christ!
11. How Wonderful, That the Word First Met Us in Baptism
12. Commit Thy Way (Unto God)
13. Kammerkoncert No. 1: The Sun Shines Always on Beirut
14. Welcome Again, God's Small Angels: Allegro
15. Lovely Is the Blue Sky: Andante
16. A Child Is Born in Bethlehem: Allegro
17. Streaming: Ritmico - Naji Hakim/Danish Chamber Players
18. Sorrow and Gladness: Andante - Naji Hakim/Danish Chamber Players
19. Unextinguishable: Allegro Con Fuoco - Naji Hakim/Danish Chamber Players
協奏曲 に関連する商品情報
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