01. Amarillis, by a spring
02. I'll tell you how the rose did frist grow red
03. Prelude for the lute No. 6 in C minor
04. In Celia's face a question did arise
05. Dear, turn away thine eyes so bright
06. Come, Cloris, hiew we to thy bow'r
07. Prelude for the lute No. 9 in D minor
08. Slide soft, ye silver floods
09. Sweet lady and sole mistress of my love
10. A willow garland
11. Prelude for the lute No. 8 in C major
12. Sabrina Fair
13. How cool and temp'rate I am grown
14. Sweet death come visit my sick heart
15. Alman
16. Corant 1
17. Corant 2
18. Hither we come into this world of woe
19. Prelude for the lute No. 11 in G minor
20. I burn, and cruel you
21. Did I once say that thou wert fair?
22. Hence, vain intruder, haste away
23. Prelude for the lute No. 7 in C minor
24. Sorrow, in vain why dost thou seek to tempt
25. Prelude for the lute No. 3 in A minor
26. Keep on your vail and hide your eye
27. Oh, let me still and silent lie
28. I rise and grieve
29. Allemande for the viol
30. Unto the soundless vaults of hell below
31. Pale ink, thou art not black enough of hue
32. Prelude for the lute in B-flat major
33. My wand'ring thoughts have travelled 'round
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