
ディスク 1
01. Yakety Yak - Lee Perry & Dave Barker
02. The Tackro - Lee Perry & The Upsetters
03. (I Want To) Thank You - The Upsetters
04. Ferry Boat - The Upsetters
05. OK Carrol - U Roy & The Upsetters
06. Move and Groove - Sticky & The Upsetters
07. Bush Tea - The Upsetters
08. Midnight - The Upsetters
09. No Gwow - The Upsetters
10. Peck It - The Upsetters
11. Kill Them All - Lee Perry & The Upsetters
12. Selassie Serenade - The Upsetters
13. Shoo Bee Doo Ee - The Soulettes
14. Shoo Bee Doo Ee (Version) - The Upsetters
15. Mr. Pitiful - Dave Barker
16. Time Out aka Embraceable You - The Upsetters
17. Let It Be - The Soulettes
18. Big Dog Bloxie - The Upsetters
19. Pick Folk Kinkiest - The Upsetters
20. Na Na Hey Hey - The Upsetters
21. Fire Fire - The Upsetters
22. The Jumper - The Upsetters
23. The Pillow (take 1) - The Upsetters
24. Grooving (take 2) - The Upsetters
25. Consider Me - Busty Brown
26. Consider Me (Version) - The Upsetters
ディスク 2
01. Grooving (take 1) - The Upsetters
02. You Are The One (take 1) - The Upsetters
03. The Pillow (take 2) - The Upsetters
04. Hide Me (take 2) - The Upsetters
05. Melting Pot - The Heaters
06. Kinky Mood - The Upsetters
07. Do You Like It - Lee Perry
08. Spinning Wheel - Mel & Dave
09. Land Of Kinks - The Upsetters
10. Double Wheel - The Upsetters
11. Haunted House - The Upsetters
12. Granny Show - Dave Barker &The Upsetters
13. Granny Show Version - The Upsetters
14. This Man - O'Neill Hall
15. This Man (Version) - The Upsetters
16. Set Me Free - Dave Barker & The Upsetters
17. Haunted House - The Upsetters
18. Do It Madly - Chuck Junior
19. The Miser - The Upsetters
20. Choking Kind - The Upsetters
21. Penny Wise - Chuck Junior
22. Blood Poison - The Upsetters
23. Sipreano - Lee Perry & The Upsetters
24. Fresh Up - The Upsetters
25. You Are The One (take 2) - The Upsetters
26. Spinning Wheel Version (take 1) – The Upsetters
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