Yuta Furukawa
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Yuta Furukawa

Yuta Furukawa | HMV&BOOKS online is a world class entertainment website which provides CD, DVD, Blu-ray, Games and Goods, Books, Comics and Magazines. Ponta Point available for both sites! Special campaigns and limited novelty with multiple payment & delivery options for our customer’s satisfaction!


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  • 当日もちろん参加した、雄大くんの1stワンマンライブ...

    Posted Date:2010/05/26

    当日もちろん参加した、雄大くんの1stワンマンライブのDVDです。 アーティスト古川雄大の今の姿、今までの姿が全て詰まっています。 本当に本当に良いライブです!! これからの彼のアーティスト活動にも期待大です!!

    岡山娘。 . |10year

  • Yuta Furukawa, a Japanese musician that has the po...

    Posted Date:2009/10/06

    Yuta Furukawa, a Japanese musician that has the power to draw in audiences from all over the world with his new and exciting compositions. Yuta’s latest single, ”I”, expresses his diversity and range not only lyrically and vocally but musically by being by far the most outstanding song he has written to date. ”I” has great unique vocal and musical techniques that capture listeners the moment they hear those first few seconds of the song, with the song starting with a soft siren sound which develops into a more powerful siren sound with excellent use of guitars and drums. Yuta has used suprising vocal techniques that leave you in awe of the lyrics (even for those international fans that cannot speak Japanese). The tremendous use of the unexpected vocal range is just one factor that makes ”I” so refreshing and exciting no matter how many times one listens to it. The use of guitar’s in ”I” is a major factor as to why ”I” is Yuta’s best composition to date. Now, Im not a guitarist but I can say from all the music I listen to and there is A LOT (pop, jpop, rock, classical, dance etc) that the use of guitar’s in this song is not like anyone has done before. I was very suprised and impressed in how Yuta manipulated his guitar movements in ”I” and it’s his amazing techniques on the guiatar that gives this song a bit of edge. In my opinion, the use of drums and the different beats throughout the song it was gives ”I” its ”WOW” factor and is definately one of the main reasons why I listen to this song on a daily basis. Yuta has used brilliant drumming techniques with fantastic use of syncopation (playing off beat) during the second chorus and not many songs can pull of a syncopated rhythm without making the song sound, ”overdone” but Yuta has executed this very effectful technique with tremendous ease and it most definately adds that extra bit of ”WOW” to this superb song. If your a Japanese Pop fan and are looking for something new and exciting to listen to, look no further. I GARANTEE Yuta Furukawa has exactly what you have been searching for with his very unique pure sounding voice and his amazing guitar skills, you will always be impressed. If you like ”I” check out Yuta Furukawa’s other single’s: *”PASTEL GRAFFiTi” (2008) 1. Starting Days 2. One Night 3. Stay Green 4. First Story 5. Smile or Smile 6. キズナ *”SUNDAY” (2009) 1.SUNDAY 2.Unnoticed Love Also, Yuta Furukawa has recently released some very exciting news. He is to release his FIRST FULL ALBUM, ”COLOR VARiATiON” on October 28th, 2009 consisting of 14 tracks with 4 of those tracks being songs he has released on his previous CD’s. To celebrate and promote it’s release, Yuta Furukawa will be performing a mini live concert at the HMV store located in Shibuya on October 30th, 2009. More details can be found here: http://www.yuta-furukawa.net/news/index.html#first If you are lucky enough to be in Japan or around the Shibuya area on October 30th I implore you to go see this wonderful musician LIVE~! He will not dissapoint, I assure you.

    JpopGirl .


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