ディスク 1
01. 1) Aria from the Goldberg Variation BWV 988 [Performance] Francesco Triestano (piano) [Recording] In 2012, Kyoto,
02. 2) Second harmony from harpsichord concerto No. 5 BWV 1056 [Performance] Avi Avital (Mandolin), Shalekh Ad-el (Harpsichord), Kammer Academy Potsdam [Recording] In 2010, Berlin,
03. 3) The average scale From the first volume of Clavier 's volumes 1 to Fuga minor BWV 857 [Performance] Emerson String Quartet [Recording] In 2007, New York,
04. 4) Cantata BWV 147 "Lord, the pleasure of a man's desire" [Performance] Orpheus Chamber Orchestra [Recording] In 1989, New York,
05. 5) Average Law From Clavier 's Song Volume 1 Fuga Shoga Major BWV 849 [Performance] Elaine Grimaud (piano) [Recording] In 2008, Berlin,
06. 6) Second movement from Violin Concerto No. 1 BWV 1041 [Performance] Giuliano Carmignola (violin), Concerto Cologne [Recording] In 2013, Cologne,
07. 7) From Partita No. 1 BWV 825 Sarah band [Performance] Rafal Blechacz (piano) [Recording] In 2012, Hamburg,
08. 8) 2nd movement from Viola d gamba sonata No. 3 BWV 1029 [Performance] Mischa Mysky (cello), Malta Argerich (piano) [Recording] In 1985, Munich,
09. 9) Cello Sonata No. 2 from BWV 1008 Armando [Performance] Iolan Cellhel (guitar) [Recording] In 1991, Germany,
10. 10) Second Concerto from BWV 1043 Second movement [Performance] Hilary Hahn (violin), Margaret Burcher (violin), Jeffrey Cahain (conductor) Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra [Recording] In 2002, Los Angeles,
11. 11) Matthew Passion BWV 244 Aria "Give mercy, my God" [Performance] Albrecht Meyer (Oboe), Sinfonia Valsovia [Recording] 2003, Warsaw, 12) Suite for lute Suite from BWV 1006a Gavot [Performance] Pepe Romero (guitar) [Recording] In 1998, Califor
12. 13) British Suite from No. 6 BWV 811 from Sarah Band [Performance] Angela Hewitt (Piano) [Recording] In 1985, La Shaudhon,
13. 14) Cantata "You must oppose crime, sin" BWV 54 [Performance] Vikingle Olafson (piano) [Recording] In 2018, Reykjavik,
14. 15) Chorale Prelude "Main God, Before Heavenly Gentlemen Opened" BWV 617 [Performance] Kung Woo Pike (Piano) [Recording] In 2000, Suffolk,
15. 16) From Oboe Damore Concerto BWV 209 2nd movement [Performance] Albrecht Meyer (Oboe Damore), English Concert [Recording] In 2009, Dettford,
16. 17) Cantata "Please call Jesus the twelve disciples" from BWV 22 5th song "Before you killed us by your compassion" [Performance] Alicia de La Roche (piano) [Recording] In 1977, London,
17. 18) Technique of Fuga From Contrast Punctus I from BWV 1080 [Performance] Emerson String Quartet [Recording] In 2003, New York /
ディスク 2
01. 1) Orchestra Suite 3rd BWV 1068 from Aria [Performance] Trevor Pinoc (Cembalo & Conductor) English Concert [Recording] In 1978, London,
02. 2) Piano Concerto No. 1 from BWV 1052 2nd movement [Performance] Elaine Grimaud (Piano & Conductor) Bremen German Indoor Philharmonic Orchestra [Recording] In 2008, Hamburg,
03. 3) Second movement from Violin Concerto No. 2 BWV 1042 [Performance] Daniel Rosakovich (violin), Radoslav Schultz (conductor) Bayern Broadband Interior Symphony Orchestra [Recording] In 2017, Grnwald,
04. 4) Third movement from Flute Sonata No. 5 BWV 1034 [Performance] Avi Avital (Mandolin), Officer Zakai (Theorbo), Ira Giboru (Cello), Sharef Add el (Cembalo) [Recording] In 2011, Berlin,
05. 5) Second movement from Italian Concerto BWV 971 [Performance] Rafal Blechacz (piano) [Recording] In 2015, Berlin,
06. 6) Cello Suite from No. 6 BWV 1012 Sara band [Performance] Jean Wang (cello) [Recording] In 2003, Lisbon,
07. 7) Prelude Song Minor BWV 999 [Performance] Seledonio Romero (guitar) [Recording] Unknown,
08. 8) Fifteen Variations from the Goldberg Variations BWV 988 [Performance] Andrey Gavrilov (Piano) [Recording] In 1992, Wiesbaden,
09. 9) From Sonata No. 2 BWV 1031 Sicilyano [Performance] Albrecht Meyer (Oboe), Sinfonia Valsovia [Recording] In 2003, Warsaw,
10. 10) Concerto for Violin and Oboe From BWV 1060 2nd movement [Performance] Lisa Battiasvili (violin), Francois Luro (Oboe), Radoslav Schultz (conductor) Bayern Broadcaster Chamber Orchestra [Recording] 2013, Grnwald,
11. 11) The 21st variation from the Goldberg Variation BWV 988 [Performance] Katrin Finch (Harp) [Recording] In 2008, Wales,
12. 12) From French Suite 3rd BWV 814 Sarah Band [Performance] Nikanol and Sabareta (harp) [Recording] In 1972, Madrid,
13. 13) Cello Suite from No. 1 BWV 1007 Prelude [Performance] Iolan Cellhel (guitar) [Recording] In 1991, Germany,
14. 14) "Come, you are a heathen savior" BWV 659 [Performance] Paco Flores (Trumpet), Jrg Stortroff (Organ) [Recording] In 2013, Berlin,
15. 15) French Suite No. 2 from BWV 813 Sarah Band [Performance] Murray Pella (Piano) [Recording] In 2013, Berlin,
16. 16) Arioso from cantata BWV 156 [Performance] Julian Lloyd Webber (cello), John Renehan (piano) [Recording] In 1992, London,
17. 17) Second movement from Oboe Concerto BWV 105, 170 & 49 [Performance] Albrecht Meyer (Oboe), English Concert [Recording] In 2009, Dettford,
18. 18) "Beloved Jesus, we gather here" BWV 731 [Performance] Alicia de La Roche (piano) [Recording] In 1977, London,
19. 19) Easter Easter oratorio from BWV 249 Adagio [Performance] Heinz Holliger (Oboe & Conductor) Academy of St Martin in the Fields [Recording] In 1982, London,
20. 20) Cello Suite from No. 1 BWV 1007 Prelude [Performance] Peter Gregson (cello) [Recording] In 2018, London
1685年:アイゼナハで誕生。 1700年:リューネブルクに移り、修道院付属学校の給費生として生活。 1703年:ヴァイマルの宮廷楽団に就職。 1707年:ミュールハウゼンの聖ブラジウス教会オルガニストに就任。同年、マリア・バルバラ・バッハと結婚。 1708年:ヴァイマルに移って宮廷オルガニストに就任。 1714年:楽師長
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